Investing in renewable energy

August 2020 – 68 solar panels covering 116 m2 of the roof on our office in Balerna were installed. This photovoltaic installation has a peak power of 24.14 kWp and generates nearly 29’000 kWh, which largely covers our electricity needs and makes our office completely self-sufficient. Last year Richard Kempers SA also participated in BMW’s […]
Change of address

As from august 2018 we have moved to our new offices. Please adjust our new address in your administration: Richard Kempers SA Via San Gottardo 30 6828 Balerna Switzerland Our P.O. Box will be discontinued. All other details remain unchanged.
Rail Service to China

New service: rail transport from Europe to China, also known as the New Silk Road. The possibilities of rail transport have increased considerably, both in frequency and reliability, over the past few years. Rail transport is an interesting alternative to air freight. Important savings on freight costs can be achieved for less time-critical shipments. More information […]