Freight Security and Cargo Insurance
These issues are linked very closely. Although we make every effort to deliver your cargo safely and undamaged at destination, an incident ‘’on the road “can never be ruled out completely. For the safety of your cargo, the following measures are available at request:
24/7 tracking
Use of steel box or reinforced tilt trailers
Two drivers
Secure cargo terminals
GPS alarm system on backdoors
Advanced anti-theft systems on trucks
Effective load fixing
Rail transport on the international route
The many thousands of jobs that we perform every year fortunately produce only a few claims for damage. And for these cases transport insurance were created. People may think that carriers and forwarders are automatically liable for damages. Their liability, however, is limited by international transport conditions. Therefore it is recommendable to consider an all-risk transport insurance that practically covers everything precluded by general transport conditions.
It’s also a good idea to ask your agent a copy of their insurance policy and check for any gaps in coverage. Richard Kempers SA has a good carrier’s liability policy with Helvetia in Basel, limited to a coverage of CHF 1,000,000, – per claim, based on the general and additional carriers and forwarders conditions (GCLI 1994 and CMR). Furthermore we offer excellent conditions and interesting premiums for additional all-risk insurance.